Collaborating for a resilient Cape Floristic Region

The Cape Floristic Region in South Africa has the highest concentration of plant species in the world. This plant kingdom is a biodiversity hotspot – both for plants and animals. But the Cape Floristic Region is under threat. Invasive alien plants, land transformation, wildfires and climate change are harming this globally recognised priority area.


To address these threats, we need to work together.

The Cape Floristic Region Partnership (CFRP) is a partnership for cooperation and innovation that supports a resilient future for the Cape Floristic Region.

Our mission

To champion the protection, sustainable use and effective management of the natural heritage of the Cape Floristic Region, through an informed, connected and diverse partnership.

Cape Floristic Region

Our Reach


year legacy

Protecting 5 biomes

plant species


The Cape Floristic Region, or Cape Floral Kingdom is the smallest of the world’s six plant kingdoms. It is found only in South Africa, and is characterised by the high richness of plant species. Here you’ll find around 9 600 plant species, of which two thirds occur nowhere else on Earth. The Fynbos Biome is the most well known in the Cape Floristic Region, consisting of fynbos and renosterveld. But Succulent Karoo and Nama-Karoo, Thicket and Forest Biomes all form part of the CFR. And all of them face severe threats.



Non-profit organisations, government departments, tertiary institutions and others working in the Cape Floristic Region recognised that an inclusive, relevant and diverse network was needed if this plant kingdom is to effectively deal with the threats. That’s why 39 organisations signed the Cape Floristic Region Partnership. This provides the opportunity for landscape-wide action across the kingdom.

Our focal areas are drawn from the CAPE Legacy Project


The energy is on the ground

research & Monitor

Transforming leaders & members

There are 4 working groups

Integrated Fire & Invasive Alien Species Working Group

Invasive Alien Animal Working Group

Research & Practice Gap Working Group

Sustainable Financing Working Group

Get Involved

Join the Cape Floristic Region Partnership. 

About us


In the early 2000s, over 30 South African organisations – both governmental and non-governmental – joined forces to help secure the Cape Floristic Region. This was called the Cape Action for People and the Environment (CAPE). For two decades, CAPE partners collaborated, innovated and initiated community-based programmes. During the CAPE Legacy project evaluation, it was agreed that CAPE’s influence and legacy warranted a second phase. And so the Cape Floristic Region Partnership emerged.

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We have a coordination team, with the work implemented by BirdLife South Africa and Conservation Outcomes. The Table Mountain Fund’s Care Programme is supporting this coordination role. It’s overseen by a committee consisting of NPOs, tertiary institutions and government organisations.